Photo of 16 yr-old Chicago teen Derrion Albert
A 16 year-old honor student is dead after being beaten to death by multiple teens on the way to his bus stop. Derrion Albert, the 16 year-old victim believed to be an ‘innocent bystander’ caught in the middle of a street fight between two factions of students at his school, was on the way home from the Christian Fenger Academy High school on Chicago’s South Side when multiple teens attacked the innocent Albert beating him with their fists, striking him with a piece of wooden railroad tie and repeatedly stomping on his head. The whole incident which occurred on Thursday (September 24) was caught on tape.

Since the tape of the vicious crime and beaten was leaked, three teens seen on the videotape attacking Albert — Silvanus Shannon, 19; Eric Carson, 16; and Eugene Riley, 18 — were arrested, charged with first degree murder and held without bail in Albert’s death and a fourth suspect, Eugene Bailey reported as 17 and 18 in contradictory reports, was arrested and charged with murder also.

One suspect charged in the murder, 19-year-old Silvanus Shannon, reportedly said in a videotaped confession to police, that the victim, Derrion Albert, 16, actually never struck him, according to spokeswoman Tandra Simonton, as reported by CNN.

The two factions thought to be involved in the crime — one that lived near the Altgeld Gardens housing development and one in an area known as “The Ville” — began fighting after a reported shooting earlier that day which police have called gang-related.

Derrion Albert was reportedly approached by two members of “The Ville,” 16 year old Eric Carson and another member, at which point, Albert was then struck in the head with a piece of a wooden railroad tie by Carson and then punched in the face by the second member.

Knocked unconscious at this point by the vicious attack, Albert laid there for a short period but later beginning to move himself away from his attackers and the ruckus but was again attacked by five members from the opposing faction after making it just a few feet away; Albert was again struck by assailant Riley with a piece of a wooden railroad tie and, following that, was stomped on his head repeatedly during the brutal and fatal attack.

Albert was taken to Roseland Community Hospital and then to Advocate Christ Hospital and Medical Center where he would later be pronounced dead.

Police are now contemplating whether to charge the believed to be underage teens arrested in the beaten of Derrion Albert caught on tape as juveniles or as adults.


Photo of Eugene Riley, 18 Silvonus Shannon, 19 and Eugene Bailey, 18

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3 Responses to “Caught on Tape: 16 Yr Old Honor Student, Derrion Albert, Beaten To Death”

  1. ericka Says:

    I hope they’re satisfied now. these fools will go to jail and learn the TRUE definition of the word BITCH!!! the cameraman should be in some sort of trouble too but at least his tape helped bring the killers to justice.

  2. Connie Says:

    This is a prime example of what happens to children that are not raised properly. You got Teenagers fatally beating someone to death. They are Terrorist.
    Their Parents have failed them and need to be locked up along side of them. No decent citizen raises monsters like that. I bet all of those kids involved
    Parents were either on crack, used to be on crack, missing a father figure or raised by Grandparents. But Hey everyone this is the world we live in, and
    we want the oympics in 2016. PLEASE. PEOPLE WAKE UP!

  3. Chas Man Says:

    Just take their ghetto asses and put them in an 8′x8′ metal box, with a window big enough to slide a plate through, feed them each other’s feces mixed with a bit of oatmeal and sugar, and let these peices of human garbage fester in their own misery. When one dies, put him in the box with one who is still alive and let them both rot. If that were done maybe these ghetto scums would get it throught heir heads that decent people are becoming less tolerant of their idiocy. If this sounds too extreme, maybe an extra spoon of sugar could be put in their “oatmeal”.

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