검색 결과: “eve”

  • Hair Restoration Surgery

    Hair Restoration Surgery Hair restoration surgery is a surgical procedure that moves healthy hairs to areas where they’re bald or thinning. It can give you a natural-looking result that lasts for years. 압구정모발이식 Surgeons usually take hair from the back or sides of your head for transplantation. They also can use beard and body hair.…

  • How to Grow Taller – Is it Possible?

    Sadly, there isn’t a magic trick for growing taller. 60-80% of your height is determined by your DNA, and the rest is influenced by lifestyle factors like posture, health, diet, exercise, and sleep. The best way to grow taller is to have a healthy diet, exercise regularly (like swimming, biking, and running), sleep enough, and…

  • 5 Hospital Marketing Ideas to Get Your Hospital Noticed by Patients and Physicians

    Hospital marketing has never been more important. Patients are turning to digital media for the information they need to make the right choices when it comes to their health. Traditional demand generation strategies have to be revised to address the new digital landscape. Creating a mobile-friendly hospital website is a great place to start. Having…

  • Causes of Numbness of the fingertips

    Numbness of the fingertips can be caused by several medical conditions. For example, diabetes and hypoglycemic hypophosphatemia can cause numbness in the hands and fingers. Other common causes of numbness are carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud’s phenomenon. 손끝저림 In the case of peripheral nerve failure, the numbness in the fingertips is a result of reduced…

  • Hip-Hop

    Hip-Hop is an art form that began in the early 1970s in the Bronx, New York. During this time, the area was plagued with gang violence, drug use, and poverty. African American youth in the neighborhood developed a variety of art forms to cope with these conditions. These arts included graffiti, jazz, R&B, oral poetry,…