Picture of Miley Cyrus new leaked racy photos

Picture of Miley Cyrus new leaked racy photos

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15 responses to "Picture of Miley Cyrus new leaked racy photos"

  1. Christi says:

    Please leave her alone! She is going through a rough time right now. I will always support and be fan of Miley Cyrus till the day I die! She is human just like we are!

    • Lesley says:

      Christi…she must have been going through a rough time for a pretty long time. This isn’t the first time she has been caught doing this kind of stuff. Face the facts, she doesnt care what is going on in her life, as long as she is in the spot light, she will keep doing it. If she didn’t want to be in the spot light, she wouldn’t being doing this stuff. It’s called attention.

    • Ashley says:

      You so have a point! Her parents just broke up, I wouldn’t be suprised if she is smoking to get rid of some pain or making some silly naked photos of herself that were never supposed to be out! You guys aren’t helping by putting more stress on her by making her out to be bad. I have been watching “Hannah Montana” forever! I know she is a good girl, because every single 18–soon to be 19 girl teenager does this stuff. Not suprising!!!!!

      • Lesley says:

        I’m 17 and I dont even do half the stuff she does. Rephrase, I dont do anything she does. I dont smoke, I dont use a bong, I dont take picture of myself naked, and I dont make out with random boys, I dont wear clothes that make me or my family look like trash. She is an adult, she needs to act like one.

      • Allie says:

        Going through a hard time?! Hello, some of us grew up in homes with abusive parents and now are decent humans with jobs and children and homes. Each one of you who is defending this garbage – not Miley, the things she is doing – is just excusing bad behavior. This is why every other country looks at the US and thinks we’re all a bunch of idiots. Does she help any charities, is she contributing anything to art, music, acting? There’s just no excuse for this. She really is crying out for help, or these pix would not always be “leaked”. Even her father can’t find excuses for her behavior. If you think this is fine, you need to look at your own life. Teenagers are getting such a bad rap today – be better than this! You can!
        Ashley, smoking to get rid of pain is called “self-medicating” and it is SO un-healthy! You sound like the people who enable alcoholics. And STOP saying that every girl does this. When i was her age, i was in college studying and involved with the good stuff at college. I and my friends would have been humiliated to act like this and sorry to have hurt our parents. You are not helping Miley at all.

      • lalalaa says:

        soon to be 19? dude, she just turned 18. & no, they all don’t. how old are you? 12? please. & Smoking to get rid of the pain? laughable much? besides, her parents are back together now.

  2. JACKIE says:

    Ok she may be going through a hard time. but many of ppl go thru hard time and you dont see them weraing crazy clothes or taking “racy pics” seriously if she is going through stuff she needs to see a therapist and not a camera lense to deal with her problems. I am not a fan of her as a person. this gives a bad influnce to all the younger children who watch her on tv

  3. Drenda says:

    What people are forgetting is she’s only 18 and before she’s 30 will do a 100 dumb stuff she’ll regret we all did she’s just famous give her a break

    • Sheila says:

      Being only 18 is no excuse to do wrong. It sickens me to see what she is doing. It is very unattractive and disturbing. The partying road she is on can lead to a dead end in so many different ways. It will only add misery and sadness to her life. My twin sister died from drunken driving. Partying can hurt you and others around you. You may think you got it all together and nothing bad will come to you from it but you are wrong. There is God and there is Satan. Partying is works of Satan and only sadness will come from it. Only SADNESS. Miley needs our prayers.

    • Sparky says:

      People please. Can’t you see it’s just a publicity stunt. She, like other stars that turned 18, is attempting to break the innocent little girl stigma placed on her. She is looking to broaden her career by using the contreversy to stay in the spotlight.

  4. Marci says:

    Hard time! Oh, come on now! There are alot of kids whose parents get divorced and do not do these things. That is so funny! HARD TIMES!!

  5. Allie says:

    Oh PUHleeze! 50% of all marriage end in divorce, it does not mean the “grown” (she does not seem grown) children have to act like fools. This child has been given everything and she is just acting a complete idiot. One person says she’s an adult and can do what she wants, one says “she’s just a kid”. Well, some of us at 18 had been through hellish ordeals and still managed to live useful lives. Miley is a mess who contributes nothing, has too much money and no class. Drenda writes, “she will do a 100 dumb stuff”? A one hundred dumb stuff. You cannot even write a sentence correctly, so i guess you are who Miley appeals to now. Do you all want he to die like other child stars?! Do you care about her at all? Condoning this stupidity is not doing her any favors. We all don’t act like this, maybe you do, but that is not how a woman with class behaves. She is on a scary road.

  6. Melissa says:

    Well i am 17, pretty much around her age… i do not go out to clubs but listen she does not exactly hang out with people her age what do you expect?! and im going to be honest i would be doing alot of what she is doing if i was in her position.. Girls will be girls and like to expeirement and there is nothing wrong with it she is young and wants to enjoy it! ALOT of people go out clubbing so why is she getting called a whore….? she’s not. && how is what she is doing bad behavior..? when she gets arrested let me know and that will bad behavior.

  7. kelley says:

    She is a skank plain and simple. I give her less than 5 years and she will be in rehab and everyone will have forgotten who she is.

  8. Joe Blow says:

    She’ll be in Playboy soon enough. Hef will make certain of that

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