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Rush Limbaugh Haiti Comments: Americans Dont Need To Give, Obama’s Exploiting!

Photo of Rush Limbaugh
Radio host and ‘shock jock’ Rush Limbaugh has went on record as saying that Americans should not feel a need to give to Haiti and says President Obama is only doing things for Haiti because he’s trying to exploit the crisis merely for seeking favoritism among Blacks.

Limbaugh claims that Cuba or Venezuela has offered nothing to Haiti, a land which Limbaugh says produces nothing and who’s economy is entirely dependent on foreign aid.

Meanwhile Obama, who Limbaugh says “lives for serving those in misery,” has pledged to provide about $100 million to help the earthquake disaster stricken country.

In regards to Obama pledging for US to give to Haiti, Limbaugh’s response is ‘American people have already given enough.’

Limbaugh claims we’ve giving in the form of “U.S. income tax.”

Limbaugh adds that it’s Obama’s “humanitarian” and “compassionate” ways that makes this natural disaster in Haiti “play right into Obama’s hands.”

In contradiction to Limbaugh’s statement regarding Cuba not giving to Haiti, according to a report on BET, Cuba has already had 344 doctors and other health professionals working full time in Haiti. This aid from Cuba was reportedly under an agreement with the Haitian government.

Additionally, Brazil is said to be providing $10 million in aid as well.

Listen to Rush Limbaugh’s Haiti Comments video

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3 responses to "Rush Limbaugh Haiti Comments: Americans Dont Need To Give, Obama’s Exploiting!"

  1. Pecan Tan says:

    That is a damn shame!! This just proves that Linbaugh is a racist to the core!! It also proves that has it out for our first African-American president. How can you find fault with the responce that the world not just the U.S. has done as far as humanitarian aid the earthquake stricken Hati? If it was a white counrty and a white president he himself would be asking his listeners to donate. People wake up, do not let racists like Linbaugh that hide their racist rhetoric behind their fast talling to think for you. American has not done enough, the world has not done enough!! This evil man need to get a grip, it is not about race it is about the HUMAN RACE!!!

  2. David says:

    I wish this guy would just drop dead!!!!! When is the GOP going to distance themself from this piece of human trash.

  3. [...] than Robertson’s benighted comments, if you can believe it, were those of Rush Limbaugh. The right-wing talk-jock spun the disaster in Haiti as “another crisis simply too good to [...]

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