T-Pain And His Big Ass Chain! » Picture of T-Pain wearing his Big Ass Chain weighing 10 lbs, 197 Karats, 410,000 US Dollars

Picture of T-Pain wearing his Big Ass Chain weighing 10 lbs, 197 Karats, 410,000 US Dollars

Picture of T-Pain wearing his Big Ass Chain weighing 10 lbs, 197 Karats, 410,000 US Dollars

One Response to “Picture of T-Pain wearing his Big Ass Chain weighing 10 lbs, 197 Karats, 410,000 US Dollars”

  1. white Says:

    what the fuck…..thats it someone has to draw the god damn line somewhere……

    //////////////…..pain is shittin on the whole world….not just the rap game ……..

    hurry get the t.p

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